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Friday, 13 March 2015

Business Management

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The economic system in which peoples sell and purchase goods to earn money, or the exchange of goods to each other is called business. Small businesses play an important role in any society because it provide jobs to jobless people. Businesses can be privately owned to run family. Before starting business we must plan it. A business plan is necessary to put most of our time and efforts into actually building up the profit making areas of our small business. Before start business we must manage the areas where we start business and which kind of business we can do easily. For our business we plan invest of money, we should manage our business according to collected money, then we plan building for , office , factory , open sell office , small shops , franchise , hotels , restaurants , book shop , canteen , private school , computer institutes , after the selection of building we appoint that staff which have management skills , dealing skills , soft speaking skills , writing skills , means we select skillful , honest hardworking workers to run our business.
 The owner must have quality of urgency because the Urgency is the one thing that drives projects forward quickly. Only when the owner have a spirit or urgency can he push his way through the admin and red tape. Only by acting with urgency can he get others to deliver on time. Only being truly urgent in his dealings can his achieve anything significant in a year. If owner will not be urgent workers will be relax , slow motion , then the business will get long time to get success. The very important rule of business plan is the collection of detailed dates, deadlines, responsibilities, and commitments. Owner must have all leadership qualities to run his business because a leader is that person who knows his way , goes on the way then shows the way to his other team members. Or we can say a leader is someone who leads other. Owner or leader must know about his vision that what he has to achieve and how he has to achieve , he must has quality to solve problems which he face during business. The leader must see the differences that make people unique and is able to use those individual skills to achieve the goal. A leader has to be able to motivate everyone to contribute. If any leader is feeling some problems which he cant solve , or he is feeling that his leadership skill needs to improve so he must join any school or institute where he can learn how to make leadership skills strong. The most important trait of a leader would have to be the ability to influence others at all levels of an organization towards a common goal. For the success of business the management team must give the time to coach, train, mentor, and stretch employees. And the management should be roll model for their employees.

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