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Thursday, 19 March 2015

Easy solution "This copy of windows is not genuine"

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On the off chance that our windows is not honest to goodness, we get the slip message "this duplicate of windows is not certifiable". Taking care of this issue is simple by utilizing summon brief.
In the wake of introducing windows 7 form 7601 or any rendition of windows, it will run for one month or two months after that we get issues like regularly getting lapse message "this duplicate of windows is not authentic" and getting clear screen.

The strategy which has given in this article must work for windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit rendition.

1 Click on start menu.
2 Type cmd in search field.
3.Right click on cmd file and click on Run as Administrator.It is must to run command prompt with administrator privileges.
4. Type SLMGR -REARM (SLMGR is Windows software licensing management tool. REARM command will reset the licensing status of machine) and press enter.
5. Now you will see a confirmation window, click on OK
6. Restart your PC.
Presently you will never get lapse message. On the off chance that you see same blunder message, then attempt SLMGR/REARM rather SLMGR -REARM.
Summon SLMGR -REARM meets expectations for Windows 32 bit variant. It even work for windows 64 bit rendition. A few times this summon won't work for Windows 64 bit adaptation. At that point just attempt SLMGR/REARM rather SLMGR -REARM.
In the wake of taking after above strategy, you may uproot windows not certifiable mistake. At the same time there is risk that you may have dark foundation. All things considered, change the foundation by set into framework properties. You can likewise re introduce OS and take after method.

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