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Friday, 6 March 2015

History Of Thatta

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History Of Thatta 
Thatta is an ancient city of the Indus delta. Thatta or thato, is know among the inhabitants as Nangar Thato. Thatta has been many times the capital of lower sindh or delta until the seventeenth century, in what is south-eastenr province of present-day pakistan. It is in the north bounded by jamshoro District, Tando Mohammad Khan district in northern-eastern elevation, badin in eastern side, in south Arabian sea (Sindhi sea) and on the western surface is located Karachi. Thatta played an important role in the history of Sindh and the city was constantly renovated from the 14 to 18 century. Makli hill is situated in the north-west portion and famous picturesque Keenjhar and Haleji lakes are situated in Thatta district, Thatta's monuments include the Jama Mosque (also Shah Jahan Mosque and Badshahi Mosque), built by Shah Jahan in 1647-49 and lined with glazed tiles There are archeological sites in the city and on its outskirts.
The largest necropolises in The world, situated on the makli hill, is an intrinsic part of Thatta District, which is associated with the Khirthar Range. It is said about Khirthar that 37-39 million years back the formation of the Tiyon Series near Thano Bula Khan was accomplished. Earlier Geologists, such as Blanford and others had classified them amongthe Khirthar rocks, which are younger to these series. Whereas 33-36 million years back, the formation of the Khirthar Range of mountain was completed. Same type of life as in the Tiyon Series continued to exist. The range commonly known as Khirthar, bordering Dadu and Larkana District, with Kalat District, contains all the 5 ranges, namely: Laki, Khirthar, Nari called kachho, whereas, the many archaeological sites of thatta also testifies in an outstanding manner to the civilization of sindh from the 14th to the 18th centuries. Within the broad folds of Islamic monuments, those of thatta represent a meticulous type, notable for the fusion of diverse influences into a local style.
Scientists and geologists assert that Indus Delta and area of Thatta including Oongar, Jheruck, Sonda and Heiaya have seen the Eocene Period, which is assigned to 47000,000 years ago or 47 to 39 million years back, when the formation of the Laki lime-stone series, opposite to Laki and extending up to Jhimpir was formed. While, there are at the former places, many sites has been excavated and discovered, which also belong to early Paleolithic Period or early Stone Age, Middle Paleolithic Period or Middle Stone Age, Late Paleolithic Period or Late Stone Age, Mesolithic or EPI-Paleolithic periods.
Now, we trun to the Middle Stone Age or Middle Paleolithic. M.H. Panhwar quoting Mr. Fairservis, maintained that he places only one site in Sindh near Jerruck in the Middle Stone Age. While, scientists now have new discoveries exposed, and a large number or Middle Stone Age tools cores, flint and blades also have been unearthed by Dr Alchin Bridget in 1975-76 at Oongar or 101 mile, nowadays it is called 163 kilometer.
Thatta is an ancient city of the Indus delta. Thatta or thato, is know among the inhabitants as Nangar Thato. Thatta has been many times the capital of lower sindh or delta until the seventeenth century, in what is south-eastenr province of present-day pakistan. It is in the north bounded by jamshoro District, Tando Mohammad Khan district in northern-eastern elevation, badin in eastern side, in south Arabian sea (Sindhi sea) and on the western surface is located Karachi. Thatta played an important role in the history of Sindh and the city was constantly renovated from the 14 to 18 century. Makli hill is situated in the north-west portion and famous picturesque Keenjhar and Haleji lakes are situated in Thatta district, Thatta's monuments include the Jama Mosque (also Shah Jahan Mosque and Badshahi Mosque), built by Shah Jahan in 1647-49 and lined with glazed tiles There are archeological sites in the city and on its outskirts.
The largest necropolises in The world, situated on the makli hill, is an intrinsic part of Thatta District, which is associated with the Khirthar Range. It is said about Khirthar that 37-39 million years back the formation of the Tiyon Series near Thano Bula Khan was accomplished. Earlier Geologists, such as Blanford and others had classified them amongthe Khirthar rocks, which are younger to these series. Whereas 33-36 million years back, the formation of the Khirthar Range of mountain was completed. Same type of life as in the Tiyon Series continued to exist. The range commonly known as Khirthar, bordering Dadu and Larkana District, with Kalat District, contains all the 5 ranges, namely: Laki, Khirthar, Nari called kachho, whereas, the many archaeological sites of thatta also testifies in an outstanding manner to the civilization of sindh from the 14th to the 18th centuries. Within the broad folds of Islamic monuments, those of thatta represent a meticulous type, notable for the fusion of diverse influences into a local style.
Scientists and geologists assert that Indus Delta and area of Thatta including Oongar, Jheruck, Sonda and Heiaya have seen the Eocene Period, which is assigned to 47000,000 years ago or 47 to 39 million years back, when the formation of the Laki lime-stone series, opposite to Laki and extending up to Jhimpir was formed. While, there are at the former places, many sites has been excavated and discovered, which also belong to early Paleolithic Period or early Stone Age, Middle Paleolithic Period or Middle Stone Age, Late Paleolithic Period or Late Stone Age, Mesolithic or EPI-Paleolithic periods.
Now, we trun to the Middle Stone Age or Middle Paleolithic. M.H. Panhwar quoting Mr. Fairservis, maintained that he places only one site in Sindh near Jerruck in the Middle Stone Age. While, scientists now have new discoveries exposed, and a large number or Middle Stone Age tools cores, flint and blades also have been unearthed by Dr Alchin Bridget in 1975-76 at Oongar or 101 mile, nowadays it is called 163 kilometer.

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